How to Plan Your See You at the Pole™ Gathering

Someone needs to plan your school’s See You at the Pole™ event. Having a pre-pole planning meeting is a great way to get everyone together to talk about what you will do during See You at the Pole™. Many groups sing worship songs, read Scripture, and give testimonies while forming a large circle, then break into small groups of three to five students to pray. Remember—the focus of See You at the Pole™ is to pray! No matter what you plan, commit the most time to prayer.

A pre-pole rally is an excellent way to both promote and plan See You at the Pole™. Student groups, individual churches, or a group of local churches can host a rally. Some suggestions for a rally:

Use it as a final planning event before See You at the Pole™. A pre-pole rally is a great time for you to meet with other students from your campus to pray for the event and to go over the pre-pole checklist. This will help you make final preparations for See You at the Pole™.

Hold the rally sometime close to the event. Some groups have found the Sunday night before See You at the Pole™ to be a convenient and effective time to hold a rally. Things you may include: testimonies from previous See You at the Pole™ events, See You at the Pole™ promo videos, speakers, worship band, etc.

If your rally will have students from only one school, then as a large group, have a student leader walk through the plans for the morning of See You at the Pole™ and delegate any needed responsibilities. This time is to be certain all the bases are covered and everyone knows what to do on the morning of See You at the Pole™.

Planning Guide
Download an Adobe PDF version of the Planning Sheet to help you plan what will happen during your See You at the Pole™ gathering.

If your rally represents two or more schools, then break up into groups per school. Have each group go over all the details of See You at the Pole™ and make sure all bases are covered and everyone knows what to do. Taking care of this important detail will ensure you have a smooth and awesome time on the morning of See You at the Pole™.

Planning Checklist
Download an Adobe PDF version of the complete Checklist.
  • How will you handle distractions such as traffic noise, onlookers, etc.?
  • How will you begin the event? Who will lead off?
  • Will there be other elements, such as singing or reading Scripture?
  • Will you hold hands, kneel, break into small groups, or remain in a large group, etc.?
  • What will you pray for?
  • Will students pray out loud or will there be silent prayer?
  • How will you know when See You at the Pole™ is over?
  • Will you stand up and pray, even if no one else will?

Students' Rights

While there is no requirement to ask the administration or school board's permission to meet, it is wise and courteous to inform the administration about See You at the Pole™. According to your constitutional rights upheld by Supreme Court precedent, you already have permission to have See You at the Pole™ because it is student-led, before school hours, and outside of any school building. It does not cost the district anything financially for students to meet and pray, so you aren’t “establishing religion with tax money.” Read the United States Department of Education's statement on Religious Expression in Public Schools.

If opposed by the school administration, you should:
  1. Know your rights. Students who take leadership should be willing to back up their beliefs, if necessary, by studying the materials available. Visit the Alliance Defending Freedom web site for more info regarding students’ legal rights.
  2. Plan your response. If ordered by a school official to disperse during See You at the Pole™, you should respectfully leave the school grounds and pray off campus. The goal of See You at the Pole™ is to pray to God, not fight with man. You can make an appointment with the official later to discuss the situation.
  3. Use your available resources. Expert legal counsel is available from several groups offering free assistance to individuals in religious-liberty cases. Timely intervention has resolved almost every situation with little difficulty!
  4. Remember—above all, you are representing Christ.

For more legal help, contact:

 Advocates for Faith and Freedom  or call (888) 588-6888
Alliance Defending Freedom  or call (800) 835-5233
American Center for Law and Justice  or call (757) 226-2489
Christian Legal Society  or call (703) 642-1070
First Liberty Institute  or call (972) 941-4444
National Legal Foundation  or call (757) 463-6133
Rutherford Institute  or call (804) 978-3888
Pacific Justice Institute  or call (916) 857-6900
United States Justice Foundation  or call (760) 741-8086

See You at the pole



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Photos and graphics

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Planning Tools

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